Book of abstracts
MDPI Best Poster Award
Scientific program
Conference app
On-line participation
On-site participation
Accompanying program
Poster guidelines
Plenary and invited speakers
Scientific topics
ANPC Proceedings
MDPI Media Partner special Issue
Date & Venue
Exhibitors & Sponsors
Media partner
Travel information
On-line participation
Basic instructions for on-line participation:
On-line access to the conference will be provided via the Zoom platform and will be open during the whole conference. You can use your computer (PC or Mac), tablet, or phone. If you use a tablet or phone, please
download the Zoom
app in the App Store or Google Play. If you use your computer, you can either download the app (
we recommend doing so
) or open Zoom via any of the commonly used web browser clients.
The Zoom platform allows you to share an application window, share a
, turn on your camera and microphone.
Links and access to virtual Zoom rooms are available for participants only. If you did not receive the links, contact
All on-line participants watch the conference in the role of attendee, where they can not to use the camera and microphone. Questions can be asked via the Q/A function or raise hand to ask an audio question..
The presenters will be promoted (by organizers) to the "Panelist" role during the break before the session. At that moment, the lecturer will also see a camera, microphone icon and share screen icon to activate them.
The on-line posters will be presented in the format of a pre-recorded 3-min presentation. All posters in the session will be summarized in one single video followed by an open discussion, via the broadcasting platform (see instructions
Pre-recorded poster presentations will be streamed according to the program. A moderated discussion with authors will take place after the whole e-poster session.
Please remember to disable your video and mute your microphone when you are not presenting your talk to avoid unwanted background noise/echoing. Do not forget to reactivate your video and microphone when it is your time to present your talk.
Connection and presentation TEST:
We ask you to make a test your connection, cam & mic in the test room at
In case of problems with the test, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail at
System Requirements: Please do a system requirements check here:
The above test is a rapid self-test. We would like to ask you to perform a test with our technician, where will be simulated an identical interface as for the conference. The test should not take more than 5 minutes.
Please choose from the offered dates for performing the test with a technician and register here:
If none of the offered dates suits you, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail